prop-157: Temporary IPv4 Transfers

Proposal text prop-157-v002
Objective The current transfer policies consider only permanent IPv4 address transfers. This proposal suggests a policy change to allow temporary transfers.
Current status Did not reach consensus at APNIC 57.
Author Jordi Palet Martinez
Relevant forum Policy SIG
Previous versions prop-157-v001
Secretariat impact assessment

Impact assessment for v001.

APNIC notes that this proposal suggests a policy modification that would allow for temporary transfers between account holders (applying to intra-RIR transfers, e.g. APNIC and NIR account holders, but not inter-RIR transfers, e.g. APNIC to another RIR).


  • APNIC would like to remind the community that the current policy outlined in Section 11.1.2. “Conditions on the source of the transfer” which applies to ‘permanent’ transfers would also apply to ‘temporary’ transfers if this proposal reaches consensus.
  • Based on the current wording of the APNIC Fee Schedules, Transfer Fees would be applicable to the temporary transfers.
  • The intent of the proposed text appears to be that APNIC update the existing transfer log to include temporary transfers, however this would change the meaning of the file in a fundamental way that will likely cause problems for some clients (mainly because an entry in that log no longer represents a permanent transfer). APNIC suggests that the temporary transfers should be logged separately from permanent transfers for this reason.
  • The proposal suggests that the transfer contract “include terms of transfer cancellation in case of usage of the resources for network abuse.” If the intention is that APNIC revoke resources for network abuse, APNIC will not be able to do so under this provision as APNIC cannot enforce the terms of a contract it is not a party to.
  • Does the author propose that APNIC will implement a temporary transfers agreement template and standardised the process in a similar way to RIPE NCC?
  • Ensuring compliance with MANRS practices would require APNIC to monitor and enforce policies overwhich it has no control. How does the author propose APNIC ensure compliance with ‘11.1.4. Additional conditions for temporary transfers’, especially “The recipient must follow MANRS best practices.”?


This proposal may require changes to APNIC systems. If this proposal reaches consensus, implementation may be completed within three months.

Proposal history
14 December 2023 Version 1 posted to the Policy SIG mailing list for discussion and community development.
29 February 2024 Did not reach consensus at APNIC 57 and sent back to the Policy SIG mailing list for further discussion with the community.