Editorial comment period for apnic-127-v007

Any new documents, or changes to existing APNIC documents, are posted to this page for editorial comment. This includes any changes to policy documents prior to implementation.

Draft document for review:

Version 7 of the APNIC Internet Number Resource Policies implements two proposals that reached consensus at APNIC 47.

  • prop-128: Multihoming not required for ASN
  • prop-129: Abolish Waiting list for unmet IPv4 requests

Nature of the document review

This is an editorial review only. Consensus has already been reached on these policy changes.

Therefore, during the comment period, interested parties may:

  • Object to the wording provided by the Secretariat
  • Suggest improvements to any aspect of the document
  • Request that an additional call for comment be made if substantial revisions are required

The following changes were made:

Implementation of prop-128

The implementation of prop-128 is reflected in changes to Section 12.1. This policy requires that an organization is eligible for an ASN assignment if it is currently multihomed, or has the need to interconnect with another AS.

Implementation of prop-129

The implementation of prop-129 is reflected in changes to Section 6.1. This policy abolishes the current non-103/8 IPv4 waiting list and informs the Secretariate to create a waiting list once APNIC runs out of all IPv4 addresses.

Review changes

A redlined markup of the changes is available to facilitate review. A draft of the official text document is also available: apnic-127-v007-draft.txt.

Comments regarding these draft changes should be forwarded to policy@apnic.net by 07 May 2019.