Editorial comment period for apnic-127-v005

Any new documents, or changes to existing APNIC documents, are posted to this page for editorial comment. This includes any changes to policy documents prior to implementation.

Draft document for review:

Version 5 of the APNIC Internet Number Resource Policies implements three proposals that reached consensus at APNIC 44.

  • prop-116: – Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in the final /8 block
  • prop-121: – Updating “Initial IPv6 allocation” policy
  • prop-122: – Updating “Subsequent IPv6 allocation” policy

Nature of the document review

This is an editorial review only. Consensus has already been reached on these policy changes.

Therefore, during the comment period, interested parties may:

  • Object to the wording provided by the Secretariat
  • Suggest improvements to any aspect of the document
  • Request that an additional call for comment be made if substantial revisions are required

The following changes were made:

Clarification of waiting list

An additional note was added to Section 6.1. Minimum and maximum IPv4 delegations. This is not related to the implementation of new policy. This free pool was created by prop-105. There is currently a waiting list for resources from this Recovered IPv4 pool.

Clarification transfers must be unused

In Section 8.0. IPv4 Transfers, further clarification was required of the implementation for prop-095. This proposal sets out the goal of transfer proposals are to allow the transfer of unused addresses where the original demonstrated need is no longer valid. This was not previously made explicit in the Policy document leading to some confusion among Members.

Implementation of prop-116

Additional changes to Section 8.0. IPv4 Transfers reflect the implementation of prop-116. This proposal seeks to ensure the distribution from 103/8 block is consistent with its original purpose, for distribution for new entrants to the industry. This policy changes means that address blocks delegated from the 103/8 (Final /8) pool cannot be transferred until five years have passed since the original delegation.

Implementation of this policy does not impact any addresses already transferred, but those holding transferred blocks will not be able to further transfer those addresses until the five-year period has passed. Holders of transferred 103/8 blocks can contact APNIC Helpdesk to confirm the expiry date.

This change is also reflected in Sections 8.1.1, 8.2.1, and 8.4.

Other changes to Section 8 are made to standardize language between the four sub-sections on different types of transfers.

Implementation of prop-121

The implementation of prop-121 is reflected in changes to Section 9.2.2. This proposal defines evaluation criteria for very large IPv6 requests for complex organizations. The evaluation will be based on the number of users, the extent of the organization’s infrastructure, the hierarchical and geographical structuring of the organization, the segmentation of infrastructure for security and the planned longevity of the allocation.

Implementation of prop-122

The implementation of prop-122 is reflected in changes to Section 9.3.4. This proposal defines evaluation criteria for subsequent IPv6 requests for complex organizations. The evaluation will be based on the same criteria detailed in prop-121 above.

Review changes

A redlined markup of the changes is available to facilitate review. A draft of the official text document is available also: apnic-127-v005-draft.txt.

Comments regarding these draft changes should be forwarded to policy@apnic.net by 19 December 2017.