Kickstart IPv6

You can now get a block of IPv6 addresses easily and simply with Kickstart IPv6

Are you an APNIC Member?

APNIC Members who only have IPv4 addresses in their account, are eligible to request and receive a block of IPv6 addresses immediately. Simply login to MyAPNIC and click on the “Get your IPv6 addresses” icon on the main landing page. There are no forms to fill out and no Membership fee increases at the time of delegation.

How much space will you receive?

Members will receive the following minimum delegations:

  • A Member that has an IPv4 allocation will be eligible for a /32 of IPv6
  • A Member that has an IPv4 assignment will be eligible for a /48 of IPv6

If you require more than these default minimum sizes, you must apply under different IPv6 Policy criteria available and have these applications approved by APNIC.

Check your eligibility.

New to APNIC?

Simply click on one of the links below and complete the form to receive your IPv6 addresses. If your immediate requirements for IPv6 addresses is larger than a /48 or /32, or you also need IPv4 address space, please apply for more address space here.

Need a /48 IPv6 assignment for your network?

Get your /48 IPv6 Assignment. Learn more about portable assignments.

Need a /32 IPv6 allocation for your network and your customers?

Get your /32 IPv6 Allocation

Things to be aware of before applying

  1. You must agree to comply with the APNIC membership agreement, duties and responsibilities, and your request must meet APNIC’s policy criteria.
  2. An initial and on-going annual fee is applicable.
  3. You can also request an Autonomous System Number (ASN).