The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual. The IETF Mission Statement is documented in RFC 3935.

The actual technical work of the IETF is done in its working groups, which are organized by topic into several areas (e.g., routing, transport, security, etc.). Much of the work is handled via mailing lists. The IETF holds meetings three times per year.

Details of the IETF's meetings are available here: Past Meetings of the IETF

68th IETF
Prague, Czech Republic
March 2007
  • Routing area meeting, BGP routing trends in 2006 (PDF 304KB, PPT 7.8MB)
  • IEPG meeting, Routing the internet in 2006 (PDF 1.1MB, PPT 13.9MB)
  • IEPG meeting, 32 bit ASNs – the view from the old BGP world (PDF 308KB, PPT 208KB)
67th IETF
San Diego, USA
November 2006
  • Internet Area, Identity and Location in IP (PDF 186KB, PPT 80KB)
  • SIDR working group, Resource certificate profile (PDF 254KB, PPT 601KB)
  • SIDR working group, RPKI progress (PDF 143KB, PPT 502KB)
  • SIDR working group, ROA content options (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
  • Shim6 working group, SHIM6 overview (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
66th IETF
Montreal, Canada
July 2006
  • SIDR working group, Resource certificate profile (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
64th IETF
Vancouver, Canada
November 2005
  • BGP Routing status report to GROW WG (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
63rd IETF
Paris, France
August 2005
  • An operational perspective on BGP security to GROW WG (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
  • BGP Routing status report to GROW WG (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
  • SHIM6 architecture to SHIM6 WG (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
62nd IETF
Minneapolis, USA
March 2005
  • BGP Routing status report to GROW WG (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
  • SHIM6 approach to multihoming to the MULTI6 WG (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
58th IETF
Minneapolis, USA
November 2003
  • RIR Co-ordination and Joint Statistics (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
57th IETF
Vienna, Austria
July 2003
  • RIR Co-ordination and Joint Statistics (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
56th IETF
San Francisco, USA
March 2003
  • RIR Co-ordination and Joint Statistics (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
55th IETF
Atlanta, USA
November 2002
  • RIR Co-ordination and Joint Statistics (PDF 376KB)
54th IETF
Yokohama, Japan
July 2002
  • RIR Co-ordination and Joint Statistics (PPT 376KB, PPT 472KB)
53rd IETF
Minneapolis, USA
March 2002
  • RIR Co-ordination and Joint Statistics (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
52nd IETF
Salt Lake City, USA
December 2001
  • RIR status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
51st IETF
London, England
August 2001
  • RIR status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
50th IETF
Minneapolis, USA
March 2001
  • RIR status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
49th IETF
San Diego, USA
December 2000
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
47th IETF
Adelaide, Australia
March 2000
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
  • APNIC Certificate Authority status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
46th IETF
Washington D.C., USA
November 1999
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
45th IETF
Oslo, Norway
July 1999
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
44th IETF
Minneapolis, USA
March 1999
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
43rd IETF
Orlando, USA
December 1998
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)
42nd IETF
Chicago, USA
August 1998
  • APNIC status report (PDF 376KB, PPT 472KB)