
 apnic-089-v008.txt   apnic-089-v009.txt 
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APNIC Document identity APNIC Document identity
Title: IPv6 address allocation and assignment policy Title: IPv6 address allocation and assignment policy
Short title: ipv6-address-policy Short title: ipv6-address-policy
Document ref: APNIC-089 Document ref: APNIC-089
Version: 008 Version: 009
Date of original publication: 1 July 2002 Date of original publication: 1 July 2002
Date of this version: 5 July 2010 Date of this version: 8 November 2010
Review scheduled: n/a Review scheduled: n/a
Obsoletes: Previous versions Obsoletes: Previous versions
Status: Obsolete Status: Active
Comments: n/a Comments: n/a
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IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
Status of this Memo Status of this Memo
This document was initially developed through joint discussions This document was initially developed through joint discussions
among the APNIC, ARIN and RIPE communities. The document also among the APNIC, ARIN and RIPE communities. The document also
incorporates APNIC-specific policies developed since that time. incorporates APNIC-specific policies developed since that time.
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5.3 Subsequent allocation 5.3 Subsequent allocation
Organizations that hold an existing IPv6 allocation may receive a Organizations that hold an existing IPv6 allocation may receive a
subsequent allocation in accordance with the following policies. subsequent allocation in accordance with the following policies.
5.3.1 Subsequent allocation criteria 5.3.1 Subsequent allocation criteria
Subsequent allocation will be provided when an organization Subsequent allocation will be provided when an organization
(ISP/LIR) satisfies the evaluation threshold of past address (ISP/LIR) satisfies the evaluation threshold of past address
utilization in terms of the number of sites in units of /56 utilization in terms of the number of sites in units of /56
assignments. The HD- Ratio [RFC 3194] is used to determine the assignments. The HD-Ratio [RFC 3194] is used to determine the
utilization thresholds that justify the allocation of additional utilization thresholds that justify the allocation of additional
address as described below. address as described below.
5.3.2 Applied HD-Ratio 5.3.2 Applied HD-Ratio
The HD-Ratio value of 0.94 is adopted as indicating an acceptable The HD-Ratio value of 0.94 is adopted as indicating an acceptable
address utilization for justifying the allocation of additional address utilization for justifying the allocation of additional
address space. Appendix A provides a table showing the number of address space. Appendix A provides a table showing the number of
assignments that are necessary to achieve an acceptable assignments that are necessary to achieve an acceptable
utilization value for a given address block size. utilization value for a given address block size.
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registration. registration.
Organizations that receive an allocation from APNIC can choose Organizations that receive an allocation from APNIC can choose
whether or not their customer assignment registrations should be whether or not their customer assignment registrations should be
publicly available. If the organization does not indicate a publicly available. If the organization does not indicate a
choice, or it chooses to hide its customer assignment choice, or it chooses to hide its customer assignment
registrations, then those records will not be visible in the registrations, then those records will not be visible in the
public whois database. Whois queries on these records will return public whois database. Whois queries on these records will return
details of the allocation. details of the allocation.
In addition, it is mandatory to register an Incident Report Team
(IRT) object for each allocation and assignment record in the APNIC
Whois Database.
5.7. Reverse lookup 5.7. Reverse lookup
When an RIR/NIR delegates IPv6 address space to an organization, When an RIR/NIR delegates IPv6 address space to an organization,
it also delegates the responsibility to manage the reverse lookup it also delegates the responsibility to manage the reverse lookup
zone that corresponds to the allocated IPv6 address space. Each zone that corresponds to the allocated IPv6 address space. Each
organization should properly manage its reverse lookup zone. When organization should properly manage its reverse lookup zone. When
making an address assignment, the organization must delegate to making an address assignment, the organization must delegate to
an assignee organization, upon request, the responsibility to an assignee organization, upon request, the responsibility to
manage the reverse lookup zone that corresponds to the assigned manage the reverse lookup zone that corresponds to the assigned
address. address.
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