apnic-089-v007.txt |
apnic-089-v008.txt |
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APNIC Document identity |
APNIC Document identity |
Title: IPv6 address allocation and assignment policy |
Title: IPv6 address allocation and assignment policy |
Short title: ipv6-address-policy |
Short title: ipv6-address-policy |
Document ref: APNIC-089 |
Document ref: APNIC-089 |
Version: 007 |
Version: 008 |
Date of original publication: 1 July 2002 |
Date of original publication: 1 July 2002 |
Date of this version: 10 February 2010 |
Date of this version: 5 July 2010 |
Review scheduled: n/a |
Review scheduled: n/a |
Obsoletes: Previous versions |
Obsoletes: Previous versions |
Status: Obsolete |
Status: Obsolete |
Comments: n/a |
Comments: n/a |
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IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy |
IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy |
Status of this Memo |
Status of this Memo |
skipping to change at line 322 |
skipping to change at line 322 |
for both internal and external routing. |
for both internal and external routing. |
IPv6 address policies should seek to avoid fragmentation of |
IPv6 address policies should seek to avoid fragmentation of |
address ranges. |
address ranges. |
Further, RIRs should apply practices that maximize the potential |
Further, RIRs should apply practices that maximize the potential |
for subsequent allocations to be made contiguous with past |
for subsequent allocations to be made contiguous with past |
allocations currently held. However, there can be no guarantee of |
allocations currently held. However, there can be no guarantee of |
contiguous allocation. |
contiguous allocation. |
In addition, wherever possible, network operators announcing |
address space are strongly encouraged to avoid announcing |
deaggregated routes when announcing address blocks from a single |
Autonomous System unless this deaggregation is required for |
traffic engineering purposes. |
When contiguous blocks are delegated to a network operator, the |
operator is encouraged to announce the contiguous address blocks |
as a single aggregated prefix, with minimal additional |
announcements of deaggregated prefixes being made only for traffic |
engineering requirements. |
3.5 Conservation |
3.5 Conservation |
Although IPv6 provides an extremely large pool of address space, |
Although IPv6 provides an extremely large pool of address space, |
address policies should avoid unnecessarily wasteful practices. |
address policies should avoid unnecessarily wasteful practices. |
Requests for address space should be supported by appropriate |
Requests for address space should be supported by appropriate |
documentation and stockpiling of unused addresses should be |
documentation and stockpiling of unused addresses should be |
avoided. |
avoided. |
3.6 Fairness |
3.6 Fairness |
skipping to change at line 447 |
skipping to change at line 459 |
need to apply under the alternative criteria described in |
need to apply under the alternative criteria described in |
sections 5.2 and 5.5 below. |
sections 5.2 and 5.5 below. |
5.2 Initial allocation |
5.2 Initial allocation |
5.2.1 Initial allocation criteria |
5.2.1 Initial allocation criteria |
To qualify for an initial allocation of IPv6 address space, an |
To qualify for an initial allocation of IPv6 address space, an |
organization must: |
organization must: |
1. Be an LIR |
a. Be an LIR |
2. Not be an end site |
b. Not be an end site |
3. Plan to provide IPv6 connectivity to organizations to which it |
c. Plan to provide IPv6 connectivity to organizations to which it |
will make assignments, by advertising that connectivity |
will make assignments |
through its single aggregated address allocation |
d. Meet one of the two following criteria: |
4. Meet one of the two following criteria: |
* Have a plan for making at least 200 assignments to other |
* Have a plan for making at least 200 assignments to other |
organizations within two years OR |
organizations within two years OR |
* Be an existing LIR with IPv4 allocations from an APNIC or |
* Be an existing LIR with IPv4 allocations from an APNIC or |
an NIR, which will make IPv6 assignments or sub-allocations |
an NIR, which will make IPv6 assignments or sub-allocations |
to other organizations and announce the allocation in the |
to other organizations and announce the allocation in the |
inter-domain routing system within two years |
inter-domain routing system within two years |
Private networks (those not connected to the public Internet) may |
Private networks (those not connected to the public Internet) may |
also be eligible for an IPv6 address space allocation provided |
also be eligible for an IPv6 address space allocation provided |
they meet equivalent criteria to those listed above. |
they meet equivalent criteria to those listed above. |
End of changes. 4 change blocks. |
8 lines changed or deleted |
19 lines changed or added |
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