2024 Activity Tracker

The Activity Plan and Budget outlines APNIC’s planned activities in 2024, structured under four pillars(Registry, Development, Engagement, Capability), two ‘Value Streams’, two ‘Enablers’, and 10 ‘Most Important Goals’.

Progress against success measures

Complete / On Track
(high confidence)

In progress / Lagging
(medium confidence)

At risk
(lower confidence)


R1. Registry Services

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
R1.1. Resource registration and transfers 1. Achieve and maintain an average satisfaction score of at least 85% for resource delegation and transfers. 33 100% (14/14) satisfied
2. 100% of tickets receiving ‘poor’ ratings are investigated for policy and procedure compliance. 33 No ‘poor’ tickets
R1.2. Member Services 1. Maintain Helpdesk SLA of two business day response to enquiries (>99.90%). 33 99.99%
2. Maintain service satisfaction ratings of at least 93% ‘excellent and above average’ feedback. 33 95.5%
3. Establish ticket response time baseline measurement by end of Q2. 40 Scheduled Q2
4. Increase total number of Members by 370. 33 120/370 New Members
R1.3. Member Experience 1. 100% of feedback items are assessed and action upon. 33 85% assessed
2. Increase total user research to at least 400 engagements. 23 91/400 engagements
3. Face-to-face user research events are held at least once in each sub-region. 25 SEA
4. Achieve total APNIC Survey response of at least 1,500 completions. 0 Survey in development
R1.4. Policy Development 1. Achieve policy SIG Chair Support satisfaction of at least 85%. 0 N/A
2. Publish a policy proposal impact analysis before each Open Policy Meeting (OPM). 50 1 published
3. Meet 100% of policy implementation timelines. 50 1/1 implemented

R2. Products and Infrastructure

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
R2.1. Registry Products 1. Active participation in IETF standardization work as it relates to RPKI, and RDAP services. 33 7 drafts in progress
2. Achieve a 100% resolution rate for Registry Products, as per APNIC Product Roadmap. 0 0/7 resolved goals
R2.2. Membership Products 1. Achieve average satisfaction of at least 80% for MyAPNIC. 0 To be measured Q2
2. Achieve a 100% resolution rate for Membership Products, APNIC Product Roadmap. 36 5/14 resolved goals
R2.3. Information Products 1. Achieve at least 20% increase in the number of DASH alert subscribers from 2023 (from 174 to 209). 100 308 (77% increase)
2. Achieve a 100% resolution rate for Information Products, as per APNIC Product Roadmap. 44 4/9 resolved goals
R2.4. Infrastructure Services 1. Complete regular data centre failover and backup recovery tests. 25 1/4 completed
2. Maintain availability of at least 99.99% for critical APNIC services and at least 99.95% for less-critical services. 33 99.99% (critical services)
100% (less critical services)
3. Respond to all critical incidents within 20 minutes. 33 No critical incidents
4. Migrate all services using end-of-life OS by Q4 2024. 80 80% migrated
5. Implement product pipeline code scanning by Q4 2024. 80 80% deployed
6. Migrate all SaaS resources to Infrastructure-as-code management by Q4 2024. 66 66% migrated


D1. APNIC Academy

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
D1.1. Training content and curriculum 1. Achieve at least 12,000 hours of usage in self-paced online courses and virtual labs in 2024. 100 12,230 hours
2. Achieve average satisfaction of at least 80% on training content. 33 80%
D1.2. Academy Platform 1. Maintain Academy platform availability of at least 99.95%. 33 100%
2. Achieve a total of 38,000 registered users on the Academy platform in 2024. 100 38,711 users
3. Achieve a 100% resolution rate for Academy Products, as per APNIC Product Roadmap 0 0/3 resolved goals
D1.3. Training events 1. Conduct at least 1,200 hours of instructor-led training. 50 598/1,200 hours
2. Conduct at least four workshops/tutorials for each core topic. 67 2/4 SDN/Segment Routing
2/4 Network Automation
3/4 Routing Security
3/4 IXP and Peering
2/4 Cybersecurity
3. Achieve average training satisfaction of 80% on instructor-led training delivery. 33 98.2%
4. Maintain a cohort of 30 Volunteer CTs and 10 Retained CTs. 33

33 VCTs
10 RCTs

D2. Technical and Security Community Support

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
D2.1. Technical Engagements 1. Support at least 35 technical and security community events. 66 23 events
2. Support at least two new/revived community events (opportunity permitting). 50  1/2 events
D2.2. Technical assistance and Internet infrastructure support 1. Support at least two IXPs to deploy ROV. 10% 0/2 IXPs
2. Overall satisfaction rating of at least 80% for technical assistance. 33 Measurement established Q2
D2.3. M-Root deployment 1. Complete at least eight M-Root server deployments commenced before 2024. 13 1/8
2. Identify and prepare at least eight additional M-Root server sites. 38 3/8
D2.4. Community Honeynet and Security Threat Sharing Platform 1. Increase the number of honeypot sensors to 400 from 200 (+100% on 2023). 25 250/400 sensors
  2. Organize quarterly honey and threat sharing community events. 25 1/4 events

D3. APNIC Labs

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
D3.1. Research and analysis 1. Publish at least 20 articles or reports on resource outcomes. 65 13/20 articles
2. Present at least 15 research presentations, including at least two at APNIC conferences. 100 18 presentations
3. Discuss research on 12 podcasts. 42 5/12 podcasts
4. Undertake at least three significant cooperative research activities. 100 3 research collaborations


E1. Relationship Coordination

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
E1.1. Outreach Coordination 1. Achieve 350 engagements with at least 30% remote engagements. 39 138/350 engagements
2. Achieve 1,000 unique contact in touchpoints. 40 400/4,000 contacts
3. Achieve at least 100 touchpoints with unique senior non-technical decision maker contacts. 99 99/100 touchpoints

E2. Online Communication

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
E2.1. Blog and Podcast 1. Achieve average of at least 85,000 blog views per month. 38 96,100 views
2. Maintain blog Guest Post ratio between 50 and 65%. 33 49%
3. Achieve at least 19,000 podcast listens. 30 5,772 listens
4. Achieve a blog satisfaction rating of at least 80% in the 2024 APNIC Survey. N/A N/A
5. Achieve a podcast satisfaction rating of at least 80% in the 2024 APNIC Survey. N/A N/A
E2.2. Online Community 1. Attract at least 1,000 new registered users of Orbit. 37 372/1,000 new users
2. Achieve at least 500 posts from the Orbit web interface. 48 235/500 posts
3. Achieve at least 1,500 new posts to the Orbit platform overall. 35 575/1,500 posts

E3. Stakeholder Cooperation

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
E3.1. Government relations 1. Complete at least four capacity-building partnerships with governments and intergovernmental agencies. 100 4/4 completed
2. Hold at least two roundtables with senior non-technical decision makers, including government representatives. 100 2/2 held
3. Complete at least three capacity building partnerships with public safety agencies in the region. 67 2/3 completed
E3.2. Internet governance 1. Submit at least two workshop proposals at both the APrIGF 2024 and IGF 2024. 100 8 proposals
2. Participate and/or sponsor at least five national or sub-regional Internet governance activities. 40 2/5 IG activities
3. Participate and/or sponsor at least two schools of Internet governance or academies such as APIGA. 100 3 SIGs
E3.3. Internet organization cooperation 1. Implement APNIC’s commitments under the NRO strategic plan. 33 1 program underway
2 on hold
2. Participate in all NRO EC and I-star coordination meetings. 33 On track
3. Participate in all RIR Open Policy Meetings (face-to-face or remotely). 17 1/6 OPMs

E4. Community Participation

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
E4.1. APNIC conferences 1. Achieve a total attendance of at least 1,200 (face-to-face and online) across two conferences. 77 920/1,200 attendees
2. Achieve a Net Promoter Score of at least 50 at each conference. 50 NPS 60
3. Achieve APNIC conference/event satisfaction of at least 85% in the 2024 APNIC Survey. N/A N/A
E4.2. Diversity and participation 1. Attract at least 500 newcomers and at least 500 SIG participants (in person and online) across two conferences. 70 341 newcomers
359 SIG participants
2. Achieve at least 50% female and 20% youth participation in 2024 Fellowships. 100 50% female
21% youth
3. Achieve a fellowship graduation rate of at least 80%. N/A N/A
4. Achieve a fellowship program Net Promoter Score of at least 80. N/A N/A
5. Achieve elected leaders support satisfaction of at least 85%. N/A N/A


C1. Business Systems

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
C1.1. Enterprise IT and Internal Security 1. Achieve a successful ISO 27001 surveillance audit. 33 Scheduled Q3
2. Mitigate all critical vulnerability reports within seven days and resolve within 30 days. 33 None received
C1.2. Business intelligence 1. Metrics related to data accuracy, completeness, and consistency established by Q2. 20 In progress
2. Data vault v2.0 methodology fully deployed by Q4. 20 In progress

C2. Finance and Business Services

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
C2.1. Financial services 1. Achieve a successful audit of APNIC’s annual financial accounts. 100 Completed
2. Provide the APNIC EC with accurate financial reporting each quarter (including key compliance activities). 25 1/4 complete
3. Annual expenses growth will not exceed 4%. 33 On track
C2.2. Facilities and business services 1. No preventable incidents or injuries (physical or psychological) occur under APNIC’s duty of care. 33 2 minor incidents
2. Meet or exceed Glint global benchmark for Inclusiveness (77%). 50 84%

C3. Employee Experience

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
C3.1. Organizational development 1. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for Employee Engagement (75%). 50 82%
2. Employee turnover is within or below the Human Capital Index global benchmark of 5-15%. 33 7.2%
3. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark of 5-15%. 50 88%
4. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for Culture (73%). 50 79%
C3.2. People operations 1. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for Rewards (63%). 50 75%
2. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for Satisfaction with Role (78%). 50 84%
3. 100% of HR Services are reviewed annually. 20 In progress

C4. Governance

Activity Target Progress % Results Confidence
C4.1. Legal and Corporate Governance 1. Publish all required reports at APNIC Member Meetings. 50 1/2 meetings
2. Publish EC minutes within two months of each EC meeting. 50 2/4 published
3. Achieve a satisfaction rating of at least 85% from a survey of EC members. N/A N/A
C4.2. Quality and Risk Management 1. Complete quarterly risk review with APNIC leadership and EC. 25 1/4 complete
2. Achieve a successful ISO 9001 surveillance audit. 33 In progress
3. Implement a new Risk Management System by Q4. 10 In progress