2023 Activity Tracker

The Activity Plan and Budget outlines APNIC’s planned activities in 2023, structured under five pillars (Membership, Registry, Development, Information and Capability) and 18 workstreams. You can track the progress of those activities on this page.
Last updated: 23/02/24

Progress against success measures

Complete =
90% complete =
<90% complete =


1A. Member Services

Activity Target Results Status
1A.1. Member service delivery 1. Maintain Helpdesk SLA of two business day response to enquiries (>99.90%). 99.99%
2. Maintain service satisfaction ratings of at least 93% “excellent and above average” feedback. 96%
3. Achieve proactive Member service engagement in a minimum of 40 economies. 40 economies
4. Membership and resource status of final 1,587 historical resource holders resolved. 1,467 out of 1,587 resolved
1A.2. Member experience 1. 100% of improvement suggestions are assessed and resolved. 100% resolved
2. Increase total user research to 390 engagements (+10% on 2022). 391
3. Increase face-to-face user research to 48 engagements (+30% on 2022). 56
1A.3. Membership development 1. At least eight membership development activities in target economies. 8 out of 8
2. Increase total number of net new Members to 530 (+6% on 2022). 676

1B. Membership Products

Activity Target Results Status
1B.1. Membership Product management 1. Maintain MyAPNIC availability of at least 99.99%. 99.99%
2. For MyAPNIC, achieve a Customer Effort Score (CES) of at least 4 out of 5. 4 out of 5
1B.2. Membership Product development 1. Achieve all 2023 goals according to the Membership Products Roadmap.

11 completed
1 in progress

1C. Membership Reporting

Activity Target Results Status
1C.1. Planning and reporting 1. Publish required reports on the day of the APNIC Member Meetings. AGM and AMM reports published
2. Publish EC Minutes within two months of each EC meeting. Achieved


2A. Registration Services

Activity Target Results Status
2A.1. Resource registration and transfer services 1. Maintain Helpdesk SLA of two business day response to enquiries (>99.90%). 100%
2. Delegation of resources in line with projected community demand:
  • IPv4: 200 delegations per month
  • IPv6: 100 delegations per month
  • ASNs: 70 delegations per month
IPv4: 160/mth
IPv6: 115/mth
ASNs: 70/mth
2A.2. Maintain correct and current registry data 1. New metrics for registry accuracy established. Achieved

2B. Registry Products

Activity Target Results Status
2B.1. Internet number registry management 1. Maintain APNIC Registry Management System (ARMS) availability of at least 99.99%. 99.99%
2B.2. Registry Product management 1. Maintain availability of registry services:
  • Whois: 99.99%
  • RDAP: 99.99%
  • RPKI: 99.99%
  • RDNS: 99.99%
  • IRR: 99.99%
2B.3. Registry Product development 1. Achieve all 2023 goals, according to the Registry Products Roadmap. 7 completed
6 in progress
1 to start
2B.4. Registry re-architecture 1. Complete the development of a Registry API. Scheduled for 2024
  2. Complete the reimplementation of the policy constraint logic and related features in the core internal registry. Deferred to 2024
2B.5. Readiness for Five-9s availability for highly critical services 1. Complete all preparatory activities by end of Q2. Completed

2C. Policy Development

Activity Target Results Status
2C.1. Policy development 1. Achieve SIG Chair Support satisfaction of at least 6/7. 6.8/7
2C.2. Policy implementation 1. Meet 100% of implementation timelines. 3 out of 3 implemented
2C.3. Policy analysis 1. Publish a policy proposal analysis before each Open Policy Meeting (OPM). 2 out of 2 published


3A. APNIC Conferences

Activity Target Results Status
3A.1. APNIC conferences 1. Achieve total attendance of at least 1,200 (face-to-face and online) across two conferences. 1,463
2. Achieve a Net Promoter Score of at least 50 at each conference. NPS 80 and 76

3B. Foundation Support

Activity Target Results Status
3B.1. Foundation operations support 1. N/A
3B.2. Foundation projects support 1. Achieve a satisfaction rating of at least 6/7 from the APNIC Foundation delivery team. 6/7

3C. Community Engagement

Activity Target Results Status
3C.1. Technical community support 1. Support at least 22 technical community events (opportunity permitting). 41 events
2. Support at least one new/ revived NOGs in two subregions (if required). 2 out of 2
3C.2. Security community support 1. Support at least 15 security community events (opportunity permitting). 22 events
2. Support development of at least four new or existing CERTs/CSIRTs (if needed). 6 supported
3C.3. Internet organization cooperation 1. Participate in all NRO EC and I-star coordination meetings. Completed
2. Participate in all RIR Open Policy Meetings (physically or remotely). 6 out of 6
3C.4. Internet governance participation 1. Submit at least 2 workshop proposals at both the APrIGF 2023 and IGF 2023. Completed
2. Participate and/or sponsor at least five national or subregional Internet governance activities. 11 events
3. Participate and/or sponsor at least two schools of Internet governance or academies such as APIGA. 5 events
3C.5. Government engagement 1. Complete at least seven capacity building partnerships with governments, intergovernmental agencies, and public safety agencies. 10 events
2. Achieve at least 25 new touchpoints related to international cyberpolicy processes, such as UNOEWG. 10 out of 25
3C.6. External relations coordination 1. Achieve at least 300 APNIC engagements. 444 engagements
2. Participate remotely in at least 30% of total engagements. 32% (145 out of 444)

3D. Community Participation

Activity Target Results Status
3D.1. Community-led processes 1. Achieve at least 400 SIG participants (in person and online) across two conferences. 611 participants
2. Achieve elected leaders support satisfaction of at least 6/7. 6.75 out of 7
3D.2. Online participation 1. Attract at least 650 new registered users of Orbit. 1,378 new users
2. Achieve at least 1,500 new Orbit posts. 1,845 new posts
3D.3. Encouraging newcomers and diversity 1. Attract at least 400 newcomers to APNIC conferences. 620 newcomers
2. Maintain fellowship cohort age and gender diversity (50% female and 20% youth in 2022). 59% female
25% youth
3. Achieve a fellowship graduation rate of at least 80%. 94%
4. Achieve a fellowship program NPS of at least 80. NPS 100

3E. APNIC Academy

Activity Target Results Status
3E.1. Academy Product management 1. Maintain Academy platform availability of at least 99.95%. 99.98% availability
2. Achieve at least 10,000 hours of usage in self-paced online courses and virtual labs in 2023. 25,548 hours
3. Achieve a total of 30,000 registered users on the Academy platform in 2023. 34,333 users
4. Achieve a CES of at least 4 out of 5 for the APNIC Academy platform. 4.4 out of 5
3E.2. Training events 1. Conduct at least 40 online/ hybrid training events led by staff/guest trainers. 51 events
2. Conduct at least 40 in-person training events led by staff trainers. 63 events
3. Achieve minimum training topic coverage of 8 RPKI/ ROV, 8 IPv6, and 6 IXP and Peering sessions. 28 RPKI/ROV
53 IPv6
7 out of 6 IXP and Peering
4. Achieve average training survey rating of 4/5. 4.3 out of 5
3E.3. Community Trainers network 1. Conduct 40 training events led by CTs. 74 events
2. Retain 12 retained CTs (balanced across subregions) by end 2023. 10 out of 12
3. Retain 30 volunteering CTs (balanced across subregions) by end 2023. 33 VCTs
3E.4. Technical Assistance 1. Respond to all technical assistance requests within seven days. Completed
3E.5. RPKI awareness and deployment support 1. Achieve at least 90% ROA coverage for at least one additional economy per subregion. 3 out of 4
2. Maintain at least 90% ROA coverage for all economies past 90% coverage before 2023. Completed
3. Publish at least two RPKI/ ROV deployment case studies. 2 published
4. See 3E.2 for training success indicators. N/A
3E.6. IPv6 awareness and deployment support 1. Publish at least two IPv6 deployment case studies. 2 published
2. Asia-Pacific IPv6 capability continues to increase beyond 35%. 45.34%
3. See 3E.2 for training success indicators. N/A
3E.7. IXP and peering awareness and support 1. Conduct at least four IXP technical assistance engagements in 2023. 4 out of 4 (FJ, PH, MN, MV)
2. Support APIX meetings at two APNIC conferences, Peering Asia, and at least two peering forums. 2 out of 2 APIX meetings
2 out of 2 Peering Forums
3. Publish at least eight blog posts related to IXPs and peering. 9 published
4. See 3E.2 for training success indicators. N/A
3E.8. Academy Product development 1. Achieve all 2023 goals, according to the Academy Products Roadmap. 4 completed
3E.9. Curriculum for non-technical audiences 1. Launch minimum viable product (MVP) of the IPGO game before end of Q2. Completed

3F. Internet Infrastructure Support

Activity Target Results Status
3F.1. Internet infrastructure deployment 1. Support deployment of at least two new or upgraded IXPs. 3 supported
2. Support at least two IXPs to deploy ROV. 1 out of 2
3. Deploy or upgrade at least one RIPE Atlas anchor per sub-region. 0 out of 4
3F.2. Community Honeynet and Security Threat Sharing Platform 1. Increase the number of honeypot sensors to 200 (+100% on 2022). 100 out of 100
  2. Increase the Community Honeynet and Security Threat Sharing Platform partners to 26 (+30% on 2022). 6 out of 6
  3. Organise quarterly threat sharing community events. 4 out of 4
3F.3. M-Root deployment support 1. Complete 12 M-Root server deployments commenced before 2023. 5 out of 12
  2. Identify and prepare at least 12 additional M-Root server sites. 12 out of 12


4A. Information Products

Activity Target Results Status
4A.1. APNIC Blog and Podcast 1. Achieve average of at least 78,000 Blog views per month (in line with 2022). 84,915
2. Maintain Blog Guest Post ratio between 45-65%. 53%
3. Achieve at least 12,000 podcast listens (in line with 2022). 23,609
4A.2. Information product management 1. Maintain Information Product availability of at least 99.95%. 99.99%
2. DASH alert subscribers increase to 120 (+20% on 2022). 174
4A.3. Information product development 1. Achieve all 2023 goals, according to the Information Products Roadmap. 6 completed
4A.4. APNIC website refresh 1. Complete information architecture review by end Q2. Completed
2. Complete content review by end Q2 and content refresh by end Q4. Completed

4B. Research and Analysis

Activity Target Results Status
4B.1. Conducting research and measurements 1. See 4B.3.
4B.2. Research cooperation 1. Undertake at least three significant cooperative research activities. 3 activities
4B.3. Sharing research outcomes 1. Publish at least 20 articles or reports on resource outcomes. 34 articles
2. Present at least 15 research presentations, including at least two at APNIC conferences. 27 presentations
3. Discuss research on 12 podcasts. 12 out of 12


5A. Internal Technical Infrastructure

Activity Target Results Status
5A.1. Architecture and technical coordination 1. API portal completed and launched by Q4. Now part of Registry API
  2. At least 20 technical coordination meetings held with all product teams. 20 out of 20
5A.2. Network and infrastructure operations 1. Complete quarterly data centre failover and backup recovery tests. 4 out of 4  completed
2. Respond to all critical incidents within 20 minutes. No critical incidents
3. Maintain availability of at least 99.99% for critical APNIC services and at least 99.95% for less-critical services. 99.99% (critical services)
99.98% (less critical services)
5A.3. System and platform operations 1. Migrate 80% of public services to the new load balancer. 84.3% complete
2. Provide real-time availability monitoring in percentage format to 3 decimal places. Expected Q1 2024
5A.4. Internal security operations 1. Achieve a successful ISO 27001 surveillance audit. Successfully completed
2. Mitigate all critical vulnerability reports within seven days and resolve within 30 days. 2 out of 2 resolved
5A.5. Enterprise applications and IT support 1. Meet SLA of two business day response for internal IT support. 98% met
5A.6. Security infrastructure upgrade 1. Migrate staff to ZTNA for corporate network access by Q3. Completed
  2. Introduction of development code vulnerability scanning by Q3. Completed
5A.7. Technical infrastructure and operations improvement 1. Migrate 80% of hosts to operating systems with long term support. 80% completed

5B. Finance and Business Services

Activity Target Results Status
5B.1. Financial services 1. Achieve a successful audit of APNIC’s annual financial accounts. Completed
2. Provide APNIC EC with accurate financial reporting each quarter. Completed
3. EC approval of the annual budget before 31 December. Completed
5B.2. Business services 1. Zero WHS incidents due to APNIC-controlled environmental factors. Zero incidents
5B.3. Business intelligence and data analytics 1. 100% of critical business data from all five pillars of activities stored in APNIC data warehouse. Delayed to 2024
2. 100% report automation data sourced from data warehouse. Delayed to 2024
5B.4. Workspace improvement 1. Repairs and upgrades completed in line with budget. Delayed to 2024
2. Finalize contract with APIDT on new office space by end Q4. Delayed to 2024

5C. Employee Experience

Activity Target Results Status
5C.1. Organizational development 1. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for employee engagement (76). 82
2. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for diversity (75). 89
3. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for culture (73). 80
5C.2. Talent attraction and retention 1. Employee turnover is at or below the Human Capital Index global benchmark of 5-15%. 7.2%
  2. All vacancies are filled within 90 days. Completed
5C.3. People services 1. Meet or exceed LinkedIn Glint global benchmark for employee reward (66). 72
2. No adverse action results from any employment or migration matter. Nil

5D. Governance

Activity Target Results Status
5D.1. Executive Council (EC) support 1. Achieve a satisfaction rating of at least 6/7 from a survey of EC members. 6.7 out of 7
5D.2. Corporate governance, legal support and risk management 1. Complete quarterly risk reporting to the EC. 4 out of 4 
  2. Achieve a successful ISO 9001 surveillance audit. Completed