------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ prop-150-v002: ROA/whois object with Private, Reserved and Unallocated (reserved/available) Origin ASN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposer: Aftab Siddiqui (aftab.siddiqui@gmail.com) 1. Problem statement -------------------- Prop-138v2 was converted into a guideline with the understanding that it will help members to understand not to create ROA with Private, Reserved and unallocated ASN range. Unfortunately, there are still ROAs with specified ranges. Additionally, if a member creates a ROA with someone else's ASN as Origin and if APNIC reclaims that ASN due to any policy reason (non-payment, account closure etc) then this leaves a security issue for the member. 2. Objective of policy change ----------------------------- Restrict APNIC members to create ROAs with private, reserved or unallocated ASN. Also, notify members if the Origin ASN in their ROA has been unallocated (reserved/available) and don't automatically renew those ROAs with unallocated (reserved/available) ASN. 3. Situation in other regions ----------------------------- ROAs containing Private and Reserved ASN are visible from APNIC, LACNIC and RIPE NCC region. 4. Proposed policy solution --------------------------- Route Origin Authorisation (ROA) is an RPKI object signed by a prefix holder authorising origination of said prefix from an origin AS specified in said ROA. It verifies whether an AS is authorised to announce a specific IP prefix or not. ROA contains 3 mandatory fields Prefix, Origin AS and Maxlength. Prefix: The prefix you would like to originate from the specified ASN. IPv4 and IPv6 Prefixes listed under "Internet Resources" on My APNIC portal can only be used here. Origin AS: The authorised ASN which can originate the "Prefix". The origin AS can only be from the IANA specified range and MUST not contain an ASN from: - 23456 # AS_TRANS RFC6793 - 64496-64511 # Reserved for use in docs and code RFC5398 - 64512-65534 # Reserved for Private Use RFC6996 - 65535 # Reserved RFC7300 - 65536-65551 # Reserved for use in docs and code RFC5398 - 65552-131071 # Reserved - 4200000000-4294967294 # Reserved for Private Use RFC6996 - 4294967295 # Reserved RFC7300 And any IANA unallocated ASN. Route Management system should inform the member why these Origin ASNs are not acceptable. AS0 (zero) is also a Reserved ASN (RFC7607) but will be exempted from this restriction as AS0 is reserved by the IANA such that it may be used to identify non-routed networks (RFC6483 Sec 4). - Same policy should be applied to corresponding route/route6 whois objects. - ROAs and route/route6 objects already in the database with Private, Reserved and unallocated ASN MUST NOT be renewed (after expiry) and deleted respectively after notifying the prefix holder. Part B - Notify in case of Origin ASN has been marked as unallocated (reserved/available) When a member creates a ROA with Origin ASN other than their own then there is a possibility that Origin ASN can be unallocated by APNIC due to closure of account or any other reason deemed appropriate. In this scenario the prefix holder should receive a notification (via email - if email notifications are enabled OR via myapnic portal) suggesting that the ROA doesn't contain valid Origin ASN and should be removed. This ROA should not be automatically renewed as well. This should also apply to route/route6 objects as well. 5. Advantages / Disadvantages ----------------------------- Advantages: This will help APNIC members avoid mistakenly creating unnecessary ROAs with Private, Reserved and unallocated resources and in case of creating ROAs with unallocated (reserved/available) ASN this will avoid a security issues. Disadvantages: Overhead for APNIC to develop Origin AS check. 6. Impact on resource holders ----------------------------- APNIC has to request members to delete existing ROAs and route/route6 objects with Private, Reserved and unallocated origin AS. 7. References ------------- None.